Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Companions on the Journey

I wrote a short article on church history and spiritual formation for Campus Crosswalk, an online campus ministry magazine. If you're interested you can access the article here.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 6, 2009


I'm sure it comes as a surprise to none of you that I am delinquent in posting. I do, however, have some pictures from October for you--a little bit late.

Owen and the pumpkins. He still is not quite sitting up on his own so I propped him up just long enough to snap the picture.

Owen got to go on his first airplane trip in October to Washington D.C. for the MANA kickoff. He did great on the flight. He will be taking trip #2 back to DC in a couple of weeks for my first comprehensive exam. Let's hope he does as well on the flight (and his mom passes her exam!)

At the beginning of the month, my grandparents came to visit. Here is Owen with Mema and PawPaw.
And here is David Todd's MANAlantern. It's the MANA logo he carved into the pumpkin. (MANA is a non-profit organization David Todd is involved with that is working on ending childhood malnutrition in Africa. You can check them out at or see their Facebook page).