Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Third Time's the Charm

For those of you who know me, you may be thinking, "didn't Tera already have a blog that she never posted on?"  And the answer is yes, in fact I've had two blogs that I started and failed to keep up.  So my track record for keeping up blogs is not very good, but since I have far away friends and family asking for updates on Owen, I plan to post pictures and stories about him and occasionally to write a few of my own thoughts.  To start you off, here's a picture of Owen, taken last week at about 3 1/2 weeks old.


  1. he is so cute!! i love the blog! i just found it. i love being able to keep up with you guys this way. keep posting!!!! love yall and miss you!

  2. tera, owen is just precious! don't quit blogging! :)
