Thursday, October 1, 2009

4 Months and new/old friends

Owen hit the 4 month marker last week and at his doctor appointment he weighed in at 14.4 pounds and 26.25 inches tall. That makes him a tall, skinny baby. (Incidentally, he also has a small head--only in the 30th percentile on head size.)

Also last week, my college roommate, Amy, was in town and she and her family came over for dinner. Her baby, Mason, was born about a month before Owen. Here are the two of them in their matching Bumbo seats:


  1. What cute little guys! We had a blast with you three! Thanks again for dinner :)

  2. They are soo cute!
    Tera, random, but I saw you on Sunday in downtown FW. Kent and I were going to a dinner at 7:00 at Risky's and we were late or I would have asked him to stop. But I saw DT get out of the car and I thought, "Wow. That looks like David Todd!" Then I saw YOU! and then I saw Owen! He's so cute! Ruby was already in bed. Sorry I couldn't stop to say hello.

  3. I love the Bumbo seats. Tell DT hi. HOpe all is well.

  4. sooo cute!!! he is so adorable. miss you guys

  5. Amber, that's funny about you seeing us in Ft. Worth. We went down there on a whim on Sunday evening. We should get together sometime since we live so close together!

  6. Bumbo seats aside - did you two coordinate their outfits?

  7. As clever as we are, we didn't think to coordinate outfits. As it turns out, they pretty much only make baby boy clothes in blue and brown so it was a 50/50 chance of matching.
