Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Delinquent Parents

After too many months, here are finally a few pics of Owen.

Here are Owen and David Todd at the zoo. Thanks to mom and dad for the zoo membership!

Feeding the birds at the zoo.

Christopher and Brazos feeding the birds.


  1. Wow he's getting big! We got a zoo membership too and we love it! I have a feeling we will spend a lot of time there this spring/summer.

  2. Goodness, Owen has changed and grown so much! Stop being so delinquent and keep us up to date on the pictures!!! : )

  3. These are two of the cutest little boys I have ever seen....and I can say that because I am not related!:)

  4. Yay! Thanks for the update, Tera. Owen is PRECIOUS! He looks so much like you. Hope you guys are having fun!
