Sunday, July 26, 2009

Owen's First Fishing Trip

My family was in town last week for the Stidham family vacation and Owen got to meet the rest of his cousins. Being an irresponsible parent, I failed to get pictures. We did, however, get a group picture. Here is the whole family:

By Thursday morning everyone had gone home and David Todd had taken the whole week off so we decided to go to Lake Fork for the night. With no parents or siblings to take pictures for me, I managed to get a few. Here is Owen in his fishing hat and life jacket. As you can tell, he was very excited.

There are thousands of trees like this in the middle of the lake and for some reason all of the birds were resting on this particular tree.

David Todd, Owen and the big fish David Todd caught 5 minutes before we were about to head in to go home. Once again, Owen was very excited about the catch.

Family picture with the fish. I post this picture to show off my skills in balancing a camera with a timer on a rocky boat.


  1. yay!! it is finally taking my comment!! although it won't let me post under my google account! arrg. luv the blog. can't wait to meet sweet baby owen.
