Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Smile Pictures

So Owen has been smiling for awhile, but I we didn't have any pictures of him smiling so I thought I'd try to get a picture of him smiling. So my plan was to set him in his bouncy chair, get him to smile and snap a picture. Here was the problem: my camera shines a light in his face for a few seconds before it flashes takes the picture. The light had the repeated effect of causing Owen to make some other facial expression besides smiling.

At first, he was mildly amused.

Honestly, mom, would you stop flashing that light in my face.

Then I had the brilliant idea of taking him outside where there was plenty of light and so the camera wouldn't need a flash. There were two problems. 1. It was about 800 degrees outside. 2. I didn't need a flash, but it was so bright I might as well have been flashing his face constantly.

So, no smile pictures for now, but you can see his buzz cut.

1 comment:

  1. He's so precious! Keep at it; I know you'll get the picture you want.
    Ruby's smile now is a huge "Hey Mom! Look how big I can open my mouth!"
